Thursday, October 28, 2004

Tuesday again

*Drag Feet...*

We all know what day it is..Leg day

And above would ordinarily be the pre-session reaction.Not today tho. My mum's doing some construction around the house. I'm outside in a knee-length pants and one of the contractors (obviously with very little brain) looks at bottom-heavy me and reasons "you gotta do something about that..." "what?" i ask. "You look like you're about to topple over"... I went inside and started to dig for my competition pics.. then changed my mind. He wasn't worth convincing. I know my leg's are huge... or are they. I took the paranoia to the gym with me for an all out Leg-crushing session.

Scene: Fitness solutions

Leg-day exercises are simple enough. The key is intensity.

I reverse the order of today's workout.. taking care of Hamstrings first. I figure.. shot hamstrings will make squatting harder.. Harder is what i shoot for from workout to workout.

6 sets of leg-curls are the order of the day:
1st set... the whole rack.. 256 reps
2nd set... the whole rack plus a 5kg plate pinned on 15 reps
3rd set...4 set.. the whole rack plus a 10kg plate pinned on
5 set..a repeat of the second set
6 set.. a repeat of the 1st set

The mix of sets and reps and heavy weights.. pretty much fries my hams...

NOW leg-day can start

Only one exercise needed for quads:


I warm up on the leg-press machine.. as i feel this better activates the muscles involved in squatting, moreso than leg-extension..OR even doing warm up squats with the bare bar.

Set one: the knee joint already warm from leg-curls and the one set of leg-press (done for fluidity), there's no need to start squatting at 100 pounds as usual... first set weight is 200 pounds for 15 reps (Not bad.. but my reps ARE down from usual)

Set two: 300 pounds My coach notices a flaw in my movement.. maybe my hip-joint isn't fully warmed

Set three: 300 pounds (repeated for better form)

Set four: 350 pounds drop set

Set five: 200 pounds rep out.

At the end of this i'm lying on my back, looking up at the ceiling. Just searching for the meaning of life...LOL

Are we done yet? My calves twitch angrily like misunderstood teenagers...just aching for attention... so i gues i've got calf-work today.

2 exercises.

4 sets apiece

Exercise 1:
Seated calf-raises

Pretty ho-hum... Only a small crowd of onlookers congregate this time to watch me train... guess they expect this level of intensity now..

Exercise 2:
Smith Machine.. standing calf-raises

My calves are surprisingly pretty smoked from the seated calf raises. Still, i'd like to try the standing calf-raises for the first time in months.I only do these when i really really need a little extra growth-producing stimuli.

4 sets at 300 pounds

*Editor's note.. having not done this movement for some months.. my poundage has dropped by at least half*


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